Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Nanowrimo Is Almost On Us

For those of you that don’t know what nanowrimo is, it’s National Novel Writing Month. It’s where authors get together and try to write 50k words or more and an entire novel in the month of November. It’s a great resource to stay focused on your writing and get inspiration and encouragement from other authors around the world. I have been doing this event for a couple of years now and I will be doing it again this year.

If you decide to do the writing event you can use this link to setup your account. It is free to join and be a part of.

If you are already doing this event or are doing it for the first time this year, please become one of my buddies and I will do the same back. It will make it easier to encourage each other while we are writing through the month of November. You will have to look for me once you are in and of course I will be under G. D. Talbot. 

Every time I am writing a book I use music to keep me focused and inspired on it. I always have a theme song and/or playlist to listen to, and this event is no exception. Here is a link to my playlist for the novel I will be writing in November. Please feel free to use it and if you have your own list make sure to share with me.

As everyone that follows this blog knows I have many posts that are about inspiration. For anyone that wants to use them during the nanowrimo, here is a list of the links.

I hope to see you all during the event
As Always, Happy Reading and Writing Everyone
G. D. Talbot

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