Thursday, August 2, 2018

My Interview with Jon Michael Lawrence

What is your name and/or pen name?

My name is Jon Michael Lawrence

What genre do you write?

I write Christian children’s fiction

What made you want to be a writer?

When I was younger I loved poetry and always wanted to publish a book of some sort. About a year ago one day God gave me a story to write which is called ‘Charlie’s Good Deeds’ where I use a rabbit named Felix and a horse named Charlie to teach children about ‘The Good Samaritan’ and about being generous. Since that book I have written 6 other children’s books and a poetry book to praise God.

How do you feel about the writing community as a whole?

There are good and bad aspects but in general it is a close community where you can find support, information, and insight. The bad part is that at times some authors or publicists are reluctant to help others as they feel that they may be pushed out of the market by others.

Have you or will you be willing to collaborate with other authors in the future?

I have not done so yet but I would like to work with other authors in the future as well as illustrators.

Tell us about your book and if it’s upcoming or already published.

Right now I am in the process of getting my book ‘The Lamb of Life’ Published with Something or Other Publishing LLC where I need votes from prospective readers. This book is centered at a farm where the main character is a kind and loving lamb named Yesu who sacrifices his life to be eaten for Christmas dinner instead of his friends. This is a picture book that I wrote to teach children under the age of 5 about Jesus’ love and sacrifice as well as other characteristics and attitudes we should have as Christians such as companionship and love. The link to the book for interested readers to check out and vote for my book will be below. I hope to have this book published by the end of the year.

Is your book or upcoming book an eBook, paperback, or both?

It will be both a paperback and eBook. I also hope to make it into an 

Is this your first book?

It is my first book that will be published with a publishing house but it is not the first book I have written.

Are you planning to write more?

Yes I am planning on writing another children’s book soon titled ‘Together Forever’ which will use bald eagles which are animals that have one mate for life to show the importance of family and unity.

Is there anything you would say to other writers, that want to write and publish a book?

Keep at it! “If you don’t write your book and don’t tell the story you have in your heart then no one will read it.”

Where can my readers find your book and how they can follow you on social media? Leave only links that you want open to the public.

Once the book is published it will be available in English, Spanish, and maybe French through Amazon and maybe a few other platforms.

Twitter: jmlawrence179
Linkedin: Jon Lawrence
Facebook Group: The Lamb of Life Fan Page

Thank you so much for sharing with us Jon. I love the idea for your books and hope to see you make more in the future. As Joh said in the interview, he needs votes to get his latest book off the ground. So I'm putting the link below as well as above, where you can go and give him a vote for his book, 'The Lamb of Life'. Anyone that follow this blog knows that I am very big on writers helping writers, and this is a great opportunity for us to do just that.

Vote for 'The Lamb of Life' book here 

As Always, Happy Reading and Writing Everyone
G. D. Talbot

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