Friday, March 8, 2019

My Interview with Andrew L Gardner

What is your name and/or pen name?

Andrew L Gardner, I don’t use a pen name. I never really thought about that to be honest.

What genre do you write?

Always a hard question, that one. Purely from the point of view that every story has sub plots, twists and nuances that deviate from a given genre. I guess mine would be described as a crime thriller suspense. I like to use a contemporary setting, one that is familiar to readers but with a twist. A ‘suppose we look at this from this angle?’ It’s not really dystopian as it is actually happening, if you look hard enough.
Crime is a fascinating topic and one has a lot of variations in the modern world, it’s not always murder or theft. I also like to keep things fast paced with unexpected twists and turns that throw the protagonist (and antagonist). Their emotions, wants and desires are tested, as in real life, and I want to question that.

What made you want to be a writer?

When I left full time education I yearned to write. For a living. What was called ‘Composition’ but is now called ‘creative writing’ was my most enjoyable subject.
I could lose myself in the world I created with words. Being an author was not as easy then as it is now. It usually entailed having reams of manuscripts jammed into a filing cabinet or under a single bed. More than likely in a dimly lit room at the top of a winding rickety staircase in some tenement block. Often in a less salubrious part of town!
This didn’t seem a particularly enjoyable way to earn a crust, so I leaned toward journalism. My parents had other ideas.
Journalism was a far too precarious venture and I was steered towards a trade. Apprenticeships were the way forward, they thought.
They were right, but it was creatively stifling.
But for me creativity is not enough. I could paint to be creative. There has to be a Raison d’etre.
And I found it while working on the manuscript.
That was back in 2016, a time of immense events on both sides of the Atlantic. In America Trump had confounded all the pundits and become 45th President of the USA. Closer to home in the UK people voted in great numbers to leave the EU en-masse.
But other issues also came to the fore.
Britain had social problems that were not being concealed any more. The political elite, household names from entertainment and sport were being exposed as being a hotbed of corruption and sleaze.
I had found the back story. Now I could create an exiting and fast paced thriller that grips the reader while simultaneously raising awareness of what is happening in our world (without preaching).

What do you use to keep yourself inspired while writing?

Our fast moving world, I also con tribute to a small number of news aggregators, some of this seeps into my story lines.

How do you feel about the writing community as a whole?

The established publishing world seem to be missing a trick. Concentrating on a narrow view of genres, when there is a kaleidoscope that is available. This is where independent authors fill a much neededvacuum. They are also extremely supportive of each other.

Have you or will you be willing to collaborate with other authors in the future?


Tell us about your book and if it’s upcoming or already published.

I have published a trilogy and have released it also as book 1, 2 and 3.
The RealLiveNews network had just broken a BIG story. It was gaining traction and everyone was waking up to the dreadful truth that had been hidden in plain sight. It involved a people trafficking ring that implicated some important movers and shakers. Many were household names- some from the world of show business, others were in government.
The trouble was these movers and shakers had a lot of influence.
Alexander Day and his glamorous colleague Lydia Foster need to stay ahead of those who wanted to silence them. Possibly permanently.
It is now no longer for them to stay in the UK, now no longer part of the EU. They are forced to go on the run, overseas. Even that may not be far enough as they find out how far reaching their hunters influence is. A deadly man hunt ensues.
Just as the crime family is about to spring the trap shut and end it all, help comes from an unexpected quarter.
But will it be enough? More importantly, will it be in time?

Is your book or upcoming book an eBook, paperback, or both?

It is available as both and is free on kindle unlimited. I am also looking at publishing it on iTunes.

Is this your first book?

Yes it is.

Are you planning to write more?

I have a sequel lined up called ‘Personality Crisis’ where the protagonist has to go under cover and experiences immense psychological pressure avoiding having his cover blown. He is investigating a secret society!
Before that I will be publishing a short story collection.

Is there anything you would say to other writers, that want to write and publish a book?

Yes, don’t be put off by the stigma of self publishing. You have total control over the content of your story, something you don’t get with a large publishing house. Also when writing, be disciplined. Be strict with your time, after all it is a job. Oh, and finally don’t go on social media- it is the biggest time vacuum there is!

Where can my readers find your book and how they can follow you on social media? Leave only links that you want open to the public.

My author page at Amazon is
I look forward to seeing you all there and thanks for the interview Greg.

Thank you so much, Andrew, for sharing with us. I really enjoyed your encouraging words about self-publishing.
I invite everyone to follow Andrew and check out his book by using the links above.
As Always, Happy Reading and Writing Everyone
G. D. Talbot

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