

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Calling Authors, There are Two Pitch Events TODAY!

So today is the day. I have my pitches ready for both of the events. If you are also pitching today, I hope and pray you find an agent. If you are not pitching today, I invite you to come and watch. Please don't heart or even retweet any pitches you see. First, only agents are to heart the pitches. Two, I found out that if you retweet a pitch you like, agents start to ignore those pitches, because they clog up the stream. I can't talk for other authors but if you like my pitches, send me a private message and tell me. I would love to know if you do. You can follow me at  @GDTalbot and you can follow the two different streams here Faith Pitch SFFPit.

Below is my post from earlier in the week, on the two events.

On June 28, 2018 there will be two pitch events taking place. One is called #FaithPitch and the other is called #SFFpit. The first one is self explaining but #SFFpit is for Science Fiction and Fantasy stories. Being a Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer, this will be a busy day for me. For those of you that don’t know what a pitch event is, it’s an event where authors can pitch their MS (Manuscript) to agents. In events like this that are on twitter, if an agents hearts your tweet, you go to their twitter page and follow the instructions they have left there for the next step. Most of the time it is sending a query letter, sometimes it more like sending the first 50 pages of your MS. This is very important, you must follow their guidelines or agents will ignore your response to them. 

Here are the times and links for both events. 

8am-8pm CST (9am-9pm EST) 

8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time 

If you are interested in these events I cannot stress enough that you click on the links above, and go over every detail of the events, and MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW ALL THE RULES. You don’t want to be ignored because you made simple mistakes from not following them. Also keep in mind that there are a different set of rules for each of these events. Just because they are similar doesn’t mean they are the same, because they are NOT.
If you want to read my other post about pitch events click the links below.

Good Luck 
And Happy Reading and Writing Everyone

G. D. Talbot

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