

Friday, August 10, 2018

My Interview with Reggi Broach

What is your name and/or pen name?

My pen name is Reggi Broach. It is a derivative of my actual name, Regina Broach. I chose it because I wanted to present myself with a name that seemed more appropriate to my genre.

What genre do you write?

I am currently writing a Christian Sci-Fi series.

What made you want to be a writer?

I have an active imagination and have wanted to write since high school. I didn’t get started until the kids were nearly grown. I want to use my gift, aka the active imagination, to convey my faith in God and writing serves both purposes. My chosen genre reaches an unusual audience.

How do you feel about the writing community as a whole?

I am VERY new to the writing community and I’m sure I need to know a lot more about interacting with them. What experience I have had so far has been very positive. They are knowledgeable and willing to share their knowledge.

Have you or will you be willing to collaborate with other authors in the future?

I haven’t done this. I have bounced ideas off other authors and discussed publishing issues with them. I’m not against the idea but I am not sure how easy I would be to get along with. I have used numerous advisors, my brother, an aerospace engineer, my husband – more technical expertise, my grown children – choreograph fight scenes, my niece-grammar police etc.

Tell us about your book and if it’s upcoming or already published.

I have three books in the series out and available. The series is called The Defenderseries. Volume one, The Defender: The Mission just passed its one-year anniversary of being published. Volume two, The Defender: Defended came out at Thanksgiving last year. I just released volume three The Defender: Treasonous Acts this past May. The fourth book, The Defender: In Evil’s Grasp is anticipated to be released this fall.

The series is about a military crew of a small ship sent off to recruit allies and establish ties with non-spacefaring worlds to begin grooming these worlds for acceptance in the reigning galactic government known as the Commonwealth. The leaders of the Commonwealth are anticipating a struggle for control of the galaxy in the future and they intend to be ready. The struggle for power was further along than anticipated.

Is your book or upcoming book an eBook, paperback, or both?

The first three are available in both paperback and Kindle. We typically get the paperback version out first and the Kindle version follows.

Is this your first book?

Yes, these are my first books. I started writing this series seven years ago. I wanted to have several books ready to go before I started releasing them, so people wouldn’t havelong to wait for the next one. I also misjudged size and had to rework the first one breaking it into two books.

Are you planning to write more?

Absolutely. I started this with the intention of writing a trilogy. I am currently writing book seven. Before you ask, yes, I know how to count. I discovered that I have a REALLY active imagination and just decided to roll with it. I don’t know how far this series will go, but I don’t seem to be slowing down. There are certain things that need to happen before I would consider this series done and we’re not there yet. I have ideas for other stories if I ever finish this one.

Is there anything you would say to other writers, that want to write and publish a book?

Writing and publishing is do-able, go for it. Marketing, that’s harder. It helps if you know somebody and I don’t currently know anybody.

Where can my readers find your book and how they can follow you on social media? Leave only links that you want open to the public.

Follow me on:

I am also on Goodreads

My books can be found on Amazon

Thanks so much for sharing with us Reggi. I can totally understand why you started writing, because I also write to express my faith by using my imagination. I have said on many occasions that I was blessed with a huge imagination and a love for telling a story. So just like you, I use my gifts to entertain in my faith.

Your books sound very interesting and entertaining, and I’m glad you are not done yet. I hope everyone will check out Reggi’s books and follow her by using the links above.

As Always, Happy Reading and Writing Everyone

G. D. Talbot

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