

Friday, August 17, 2018

My Interview with Lorraine Reed

What is your name and/or pen name?

My name is Lorraine Reed. Everything that I’ve written so far, I have published under my true identity.

What genre do you write?

My first published book is an alternative learning method for children to learn times tables. It is a story about a little girl who gets up to all kinds of mischief. The end of each line rhymes with the answer to the next times table, promoting confidence in answering correctly and each chapter takes Naughty Katie on a new adventure. There is a positive moral at the end of the story and the whole book teaches times tables up to 12x12. I hold assemblies in primary schools with this book and the children enjoy interacting with the story and calling out the correct answers. One teacher dressed up as Naughty Katie for world book day 2017. I have discovered that some children find it difficult to fully grasp the concept of rhyming, so I have also published a short poetry book with fun, bright pictures as an introduction to poetry. The unusual story takes the reader on a wild poetic adventure as they travel through a bubble dream. I have also published an adult comedy poetry book, which often gets compared to the work of Pam Ayres. I have been invited a few times to perform from this book at Denise Parsons (St Albans radio presenter’s) open mic eventswhere it always generates lots of laughter.

What made you want to be a writer?

For as far back as I can remember I have always enjoyed writing poetry. I am now a mum of 3 lovely girls. When my youngest daughter turned eight she was struggling to learn times tables, so I thought… ‘Why not combine story time (which she loves,) with the learning of times tables?’ When my friends who are also parents realised how effective my learning method is, they asked me if they too could use it with their own children. That is when I realised that as well as my own child, I could also help others. So that is how I published my first book! Since then I have never looked back and Times Tables Fun With Naughty Katie is now being used as a learning aid in many of my local primary schools.

What do you use to keep yourself inspired while writing?

After publishing my first book in 2016, I was searching for a local writer’s circle, in the hope that I would have the opportunity to connect with likeminded people. On realising that there wasn’t such a thing available, I decided to start one up myself. Since creating the Facebook group ‘Writers in the Wood,’ we now have over 100 members. I have been truly inspired by so many of these Writers and Authors and feel very lucky to have made some wonderful and talented new friends through the group. Some members live very close by to me and I may have never had the honour of meeting them if it hadn’t of been for setting up the group. We meet up socially and support each other on our literary journeys, whichever stage each of us may be at. Members support me and teach me a lot about the writing industry and in return I try my best to do the same for them. Our next big event that I have organised will be connecting Essex Authors and Hertfordshire Authors, when the two communities come together to hold a book signing at Redbridge library in Essex on the 29th September and 6th October 2018 1pm-4pm. Our special Author guest is ‘Sarah Gunn,’ a former Hertfordshire resident, who will be flying over from her new home in France to sign copies of her book at our event.

How do you feel about the writing community as a whole?

Since connecting with so many writers and authors both locally and internationally, I can honestly say that each person that I’ve met in the writing community are a pleasure to know! Every writer has their own story to tell and style of telling it, bothwith regards to their books or future books and their journey through writing and publishing them. I must add that the Hertfordshire community as a whole have been very supportive to its writers and authors. We have had so much support from Borehamwood’s former Mayor and current Mayor. The Town Twinning Association, local churches, the Rotary club, schools, the Town Council, local Councillors and local businesses. Reel cinema, the 96 café and Tesco to name a few.

I have been interviewed as an author, by Borehamwood museum, who had my books on display for a few months along with a recording of that interview for people to listen to. I have also been interviewed by another fellow member of Writers In The Wood Franca B Lawrence who is anchoring a new talk show for Barnet T.V.I believe that interview will be aired at some point in September 2018.

Have you or will you be willing to collaborate with other authors in the future?

Yes, I do in fact have plans to do this in the near future with a fellow author. We have come up with an exciting story idea, but we have not yet released any details about it yet.

Tell us about your book and if it’s upcoming or already published.

In recent months I have stepped out of my literary comfort zone by taking a large side-step away from poetry and into the realms of novel writing. I was a little nervous at first as I was concerned about the possibility of being over ambitious, but I stuck with it. On completion my debut novel will fit snugly into the ‘Supernatural thriller’ genre.Writing my fourth book in thisnew territory, is one of the most challenging yet rewarding things I’ve ever attempted. I am extremely enjoying writing it, with new and expanding ideas flowing through my system every day.

Is your book or upcoming book an eBook, paperback, or both?

I plan to publish my future fictional novel in as many formats as possible.

Is this your first book?

This will be my fourth book. I also have a few other partly written manuscripts on the side.

Are you planning to write more?

Yes! I have taken a sip from the magical rivers of flowing inspiration and have most definitely caught the life-long writing bug!

Is there anything you would say to other writers, that want to write and publish a book?

Do your research! ‘The Writers handbook’ can be a very useful book and is full of great contacts for writers. Also read any contracts with traditional publishers very carefully and have a look into publishing yourself through things like Createspace. Lastly, keep motivated and don’t wait to feel in the mood to write! Sit in front of your manuscript as often as possible and keep going!

Where can my readers find your book and how they can follow you on social media? Leave only links that you want open to the public.

My Author website is

Our writers group is on Facebook and is called Writers In The Wood

Thank you G. D. Talbot for interviewing me.
You are very welcome Lorraine and thank you for allowing me. As a parent I am always looking for new and inventive ways to teach my kids, and it is nice to see that I am not alone. I hope everyone that reads this will give your books a look over by using the links above; especially parents.
As Always, Happy Reading and Writing Everyone
G. D. Talbot

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